Investigative team that saved Pakistan from $1.2bn penalty in Karkey case awarded Sitara e Imtiaz

Sitara-e-Imtiaz, the highest civilian award, has been announced for the team comprising officers from the military whose efforts made the country proud internationally and saved the nation from a penalty of $1.2 billion. As per details, Brig Rana Arfan Shakeel Ramay, Lt Col Farooq Shahbaz, and International Dispute Unit Head Ahmed Irfan Aslam worked hard in gathering information from Swiss,…

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RWE launches 2bn euro share issue to fund renewables drive

BERLIN: German utility group RWE launched a bumper share issue to back its expansion into renewable energy, with part of the proceeds to pay for its $480 million purchase of wind turbine maker Nordex’s project development pipeline. The capital increase, representing an increase of 10% in RWE’s equity, will be placed with institutional investors via an accelerated bookbuilding process, RWE…

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Is solar power the right choice for Pakistan?

KARACHI: Pakistan has achieved surplus power production and projects in the pipeline will be more than sufficient to meet future demand. Therefore, authorities may divert the investment allocated to solar power projects to the transmission and distribution infrastructure. “Pakistan’s power production has become surplus. However, the country is still facing hours-long outages due to the crippling transmission and distribution network,”…

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‘Pakistan should benefit from emergency trade relaxations’

KARACHI: The country should take full benefit of the relaxations under arrangement of special and emergency clauses allowed by the global trading system under World Trade Organisation, said Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry Vice President Sheikh Sultan Rehman. Speaking at a webinar on “Covid-19: Trade and Trade Related Measures”, he said that the trade and trade facilitated…

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Govt’s agreements with IPPs do not address circular debt, says Senate panel

ISLAMABAD: A Senate panel was informed on Tuesday that latest memorandums of understanding (MOU) with power producers did not include circular debt. The committee was also informed that K-Electric had caused a loss of Rs144 billion to the federal government and is holding back Rs44bn of consumers’ money through stay orders. This was the crux of a meeting of the…

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