CPEC PHASE-II: A Sanctify Inquiry | By Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan


Regardless of continuous political confusion and consistent financial implosion the occupant legislature of Pakistan has now chosen to begin China-Pakistan Monetary Hallway (CPEC) Stage II which would be valuable for turning away monetary decay and unfortunate assembling in the country. It would begin new ascribes to sinking public industrialization and social turn of events.

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Govt Seeks Over Rs6 Per Unit Increase In KE Tariff


The public authority has asked the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) to increment K-Electric’s buyer levy by up to Rs6.02 per unit under two past quarterly changes and permit its recuperation from shoppers in 90 days — April to June — to guarantee public uniform duty. The public authority has previously told an identical expansion in duty for purchasers of ex-Wapda Discos

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Govt Removes Duties on Silicone Sheet Imports To Facilitate Energy Efficient Appliances


The public authority has chosen to eliminate obligations on import of silicon steel sheets which is utilized for assembling of electric fans, engines, clothes washers, transformers to work with the creation of energy productive home apparatuses. The choice comes in line after the public authority restricted the assembling, creation of conventional fans and bulbs from July 1, 2023 as it consumes higher energy.

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CPPA, KE To Soon Sign Power Purchase Agreement For 1,000MW


The Focal Power Buy Organization (CPPA) and K-Electric would before long consent to the Power Buy Arrangement (PPA) at a negligible tax of Rs22/unit to start giving 1,000MW of power before the start of FY2024. Under the proposed understanding, the central government would will undoubtedly give 1,000MW of power at the base, which could go up relying on the accessibility of overabundance power in the public framework, a senior authority of the Energy Service told The News.

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Can Libya Really Double Its Oil Output?


Befor to the expulsion of its long-lasting pioneer, Muammar Gaddafi, in 2011, Libya had effortlessly had the option to deliver around 1.65 million barrels each day (bpd) of generally great light, sweet unrefined petroleum. Creation had been on a rising creation pattern by then, up from around 1.4 million bpd in 2000, the nation actually had around 48 billion barrels of demonstrated unrefined petroleum holds – the biggest in Africa.

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OGDCL Launches Program To Distribute 100 Ambulances Across Pakistan


Oil and Gas Advancement Organization Restricted (OGDCL) is the biggest investigation and creation organization in Pakistan working the country over. The organization has a great history of completing social work in regions where it works for government assistance of neighborhood networks. OGDCL has consistently surpassed its CSR commitments and spent more on government assistance projects for the networks close by it’s functional regions.

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