New Energy Conservation Policy to be Approved on 12th

The Board of National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) is to approve the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation (NEEC) Policy 2022, on April 12, 2022 for onward submission to the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE).

Official sources told Business Recorder, first draft of the NEEC Policy 2022 was presented to the secretary, Power Division/chairman of the NEECA Board on December 3, 2021. It was advised by the chairman of the NEECA Board to share the draft NEEC Policy with all the concerned ministries, entities and private sector stakeholders at the earliest for their comments, feedback and to complete the country-wide consultations.

The policy draft was revised in light of feedback received from Policy Wing (Power Division) and was sent to more than 200 stakeholders at national and provincial levels for their comments and feedback.

The NEECA has completed the stakeholder consultations on draft NEEC Policy, 2022.

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The stakeholder consultations lasted for 23 days in cities with a total number of 438 participants from academia, industry, civil society, banks, and media, different tiers of government, development authorities, Chamber of Commerce, Farmer and Manufacturer Associations.

A total of 62 comments received from various ministries, think tanks, industrial associations, and international donor agencies. In order to receive the comments and suggestions from the public at large, it was advertised in all national dailies on to provide comments and feedback on draft NEEC Policy 2022.

An online link was also maintained on the NEECA website for the comments and feedback on draft NEEC Policy 2022.

It was also posted on the NEECA social media pages as well.

The NEECA has updated the draft NEEC Policy 2022 in the light of comments and feedback received from all the stakeholders.

A meeting was also held on March 10, 2022 with Policy Wing (Power Division] and all the concerns and comments received from the PDU were discussed and agreed to ensure alignment with National Electricity Policy 2021 and National Electricity Plan.

In light of the NEECA’s transition from its institutionalization phase to operationalisation phase as per the Strategic plan 2020-2023,the NEECA has prepared four projects/PC1s to be funded through Public Sector Development Program 2022-2023.These projects have been developed to directly support the implementation of the NEEC policy 2022 through creation of an enabling environment for the execution of stated policy interventions.

The proposed EE&C project involves focused and highly integrated activities and investments to remove the institutional, technical, financial, and capacity-related barriers to the EE&C in the country. This project will support the operationalisation of NEEC Policy and the action plan.

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