Mr. Mohammed Rajpar Awarded Commander of the Order of the Crown by Belgian Ambassador


In a recent ceremony, Mr. Mohammed Rajpar, Managing Director of General Shipping Agencies (Pvt) Ltd, and Chief Executive of the Pakistan Belgium Luxembourg Business Forum, was conferred with the prestigious Commander of the Order of the Crown. This high civilian honor, bestowed by His Excellency Charles Delogne, the Belgian Ambassador to Pakistan, recognizes Mr. Rajpar’s dedication to nurturing business and cultural relations between Pakistan and Belgium over the past two decades.

The event drew a distinguished audience from various sectors, including politics, government, diplomacy, and business. Notable attendees included:

Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Former Prime Minister
Dr. Miftah Ismail, Former Finance Minister
Mr. Syed Naveed Qamar, Former Commerce Minister
Dr. Farooq Sattar, Deputy Convenor, MQM
Brig. (Retd) Haris Nawaz, Former Home Minister, Sindh
Dr. Ishrat Husain, Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan
Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Former Finance Minister and Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan
Rear Admiral (Retd) Hasan Nasir Shah, Chairman PQA
Mr. Murtaza Wahab, Mayor of Karachi
Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Shah, Deputy Speaker National Assembly
Mr. Conrad Tribble, US Consul General to Pakistan
Mr. Nayef Shaheen Al-Sulaiti, Qatar Consul General to Pakistan
In his address, Mr. Delogne stated, “Historically, the Order of the Crown is awarded by the Belgian Federal Government for significant artistic, literary, or scientific merits in the sphere of commercial and industrial interests or for services rendered to the country or in Africa. The high rank of Commander of this Order, which has been awarded to Mr. Rajpar, is intended to publicly recognize his merits and to cite him as an example for his contribution to the relations between the Belgians and the Pakistanis.”

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Rajpar expressed, “I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this prestigious award. It serves as a testament to the enduring relationship between Pakistan and Belgium, and the immense potential for further collaboration. This recognition is not an endpoint but rather a powerful motivator to dedicate even greater efforts towards fostering cultural exchange, economic partnerships, and mutual understanding between our two nations.”

The ceremony highlighted the strong bilateral ties between Pakistan and Belgium and underscored the significance of cultural and economic partnerships in strengthening international relations.

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