CNG Sector Concerned Over Fuel Price Hike

Fears CNG price Will rise above petrol for first time in history of Pakistan. Stakeholders of the corn- which will increase the price pressed natural gas (CNG) sec- of CNG by Rs18 per litre in tor have voiced concern over Punjab and Rsz8 per litre in the unprecedented hike in the Sindh,” he said.

price of CNC, citing that it is “The high price of CNG contrary to the vision of Prime will make it unattractive for Minister Imran Khan. consumers and trigger bank-They added that despite ruptcy in the sector, leaving buying the costliest liquefied hundreds of thousands of natural gas (LNG), additional people jobless.”

taxes had been slapped on the The dollar Was gaining CNG sector by the government, strength against the rupee, which would take its price which was also contributing above petrol for the first time to the cost of fuel, therefore, in the history of Pakistan. the government should act im¬In a statement on Friday, mediate,/ to save the industry All Pakistan CNG Association from collapse, he stressed

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