NEPRA Issues Show Cause Notice To Iesco For Delay In 2 Energy Projects


ISLAMABAD-NEPRA has issued show-cause notice to Islamabad Electric Supply Company Limited (IESCO) for causing delay in the completion of two renewable energy projects, resulting in billions of rupees loss to the national exchequer.

In its choice on the postpone in network interconnection of Access Sun based (Private,) Restricted (ASPL) and Access Electric (Private,) Restricted (AEPL) and resulting misfortune to the exchequer, NEPRA said that the deferral has caused large number of dollars expansion in the expense of the ventures and denied the customers of the advantages of the modest environmentally friendly power. NEPRA conceded Age Permit to Access Sunlight based (Private,) Restricted (ASPL’) for its proposed 11.5 MW Sun oriented PV Power Plant and Age Permit in June 2014 to Access Electric (Private,) Restricted (AEPL) for its proposed 10MW Sun oriented PV Power Plant. Both the age offices are situated close to Town Hattar, Tehsii Pind Dadan Khan, Region Iheluni in the territory of Punjab.

According to the age licenses of the two activities, interconnection was proposed at IESCO’s 132 k V Dandol Network Station through two separate 11 k V feeders for every one of the tasks. The said organizations (ASPL and AEP4) submitted separate interconnection studies (proposed at 11 kv) to IESCO and the equivalent were screened by TSW IESCO in 2012 and 2015 individually with sonic circumstances. In 2019, ASPL and AEPL again moved toward IESCO for endorsement of overhauled Interconnection Studies for the two activities. In any case, the equivalent were disliked by IESCO. IESCO proposed interconnection at 132kV level because of reserve funds regarding lower specialized misfortunes and less blackouts (SAIDI) at 132kv contrasted with blackouts at 11kV. Further, IESCO was of the view that since the directions of both the plants alluded in interconnection studies are same in this manner these plants might be considered as one plant with a combined limit of 21.5MW.

The matter was taken up by the Power, by which it was seen that in the Age Licenses and Duty Conclusions of ASPL and AEPL, the interconnection at 11 kV was supported by the Power and both the plants have separate LOJ and LOS by AEDB. Likewise, Islamabad High Court (JHC) and Bureau Panel on Energy (CCoE) additionally endorsed these undertakings as two separate substances/projects for execution. Nonetheless, IESCO didn’t permit ASPL and AEPL to interconnect at the 11 kV level for their proposed Sun oriented PV Power Plants, notwithstanding NEPRA’s bearings. Subsequently, IESCO neglected to conform to the bearings of the Power. Both ASPL and AEPL documented an expense in addition to tax request on Walk 24,2020 which was chosen by the Authority vide choice on December 30,2020. Under the said levy the organization was expected to accomplish monetary nearby Dec 30, 2021. Nonetheless, because of the deferral brought about by IESCO by keeping endorsements of Framework Interconnection Concentrates in clear dismissal to CCoE ‘s choice and NEPRA bearings, it couldn’t accomplish the said achievement, as result thereof said duty passed.

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